My work is focused on application of systems approach to understand and manage complex water and environmental systems. Goal is to provide decision support to policy makers for sustainable management of resources.
Current Major Funding:
NSF: Southern Nevada Northern Arizona LSAMP (2017-2022)
NSF: CRISP Type 1: Interdependent Water Infrastructure in a Potable Reuse System (PI Daniel Gerrity 2019-2021)
Completed Major Funding:
NSF The Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Nevada (2013-2018)
EPA STAR Grant – Framework for Quantifying Microbial Risk and Sustainability of Potable Reuse Systems in the U.S. (PI: Daniel Gerrity 2015-2018)
NSF Collaborative Research: The Western Consortium for Watershed Analysis, Visualization, and Exploration (WC-WAVE) (2013-2017)
NSF CAREER: Vulnerability of Water Infrastructure to Climate Variability and Change: Implications for Sustainable Water Management (2009-2015)
NSF: Nevada Infrastructure for Climate Change Science, Education, and Outreach (2008-2013)
NOAA SARP: Using Climate Information For Sustainable Management of Water Resources in South Florida: A Dynamic Decision Support Framework (2007-2010)
Current research interests include:
- Urban water management in response to population growth and climate variability and change
- Water-Energy Nexus
- Long lead-time stream flow estimation using oceanic atmospheric indices
- Stormwater management